POTENTIAL RISKS Employee comes onto your construction site showing symptoms of COVID-19 WCB-Alberta claims from employees who contracted the virus on sites at greater risk Receiving notices of delay or requests for extension of time Trade/labour shortages due to individuals not showing up or refusing to come onto site Refusal to work due to health and safety concerns of employees and staff Subcontractor claims force majeure and attempts to avoids performance of contract Required to lay-off work force due to lack of work Contractor declares bankruptcy or goes under due to an economic downturn and does not pay you Defaulting on a contract by not following notification requirements Disruptions to supply-chains and facing issues receiving and delivering equipment Insufficient written documentation to demonstrate costs incurred on a project Increasing the spread on site by carrying on "business as usual" and allowing for close contact between individuals Having overlapping trades on site and exceeding the limit of 50 individuals gathering in one space Entering into new contracts without considering future disruptions due to COVID-19 POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS
Ensure hand sanitizers are provided at hand-wash stations Stagger work shifts and rotate trades where possible to reduce the number of individuals working together in one location Maintain open communication with all trades, suppliers, consultants and clients regarding any possible delays and updates Continually check for government updates regarding closures or further limitations on site Keep a written-record of all communications. For conversations had in-person or over the phone, follow up with an email to ensure mutual understanding Encourage employees to report to HR any emerging symptoms and track all contact the person may have had Discuss social distancing and post signs reinforcing it in common areas Provide masks or any other materials which may help stop the spread of the virus on site Encourage work-from-home policies where possible Strictly enforce self-isolation or quarantines if workers have recently returned from travel or are showing positive signs of COVID-19 Report any work-related contractions to WCB-Alberta Review your contracts, insurance policies and lease agreements Review financial documents to assess upcoming payment obligations Get in touch with financial lenders where applicable.
The information provided in this update is not intended to, nor does it constitute as legal advice. Please contact our offices for further details if you would like to receive tailored legal advice.